Sunday, March 21, 2010

End Insurance Companies Abuses


Today, we can extend coverage to millions. We can end insurance-company abuses forever. We can finally give the American worker control over their own health care and in many cases, give them health care.

But we can't take anything for granted. The vote in the House will happen today and could still go either way. It's up to every member of AFSCME, their family members and friends who believe in reform to call our representatives and speak up -- right now.

So, if you haven't yet, please pick up the phone and call. Afterward, or if you've called already, make it your mission today to get 5 friends or neighbors to call, too.

Forward this email widely. Save the Congressional switchboard number -- (202) 224-3121 -- in your cell phone, and then hand your phone to a friend, a co-worker, a family member. Capitol Hill offices are open and accepting calls.


  1. Its good if worker have control over their own health care.Sometime company pay for health insurance of employees then company buy same policy for all which may not suit for all's requirement


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