Thursday, November 11, 2010

WSEU Bargaining Update

By now most of you have heard about or read the letter sent by Governor Elect Walker to the DOA Secretary regarding five issues that should be put on hold until after he is sworn into office. One of these five issues is our contract for 2009-2011.

The letter asks Governor Doyle to stop our bargaining on it, which is similar to the phone message we received two weeks ago from his campaign. We understand that there is a high level of anxiety and consternation each time Scott Walker opens his mouth about state employees and state programs. That being said, we will now give you the straight facts:

  1. BARGAINING CONTINUES... In fact, Council 24 Executive and Assistant Directors met with OSER representatives on the very same afternoon that Walker sent his letter. And, we will continue meeting again next week, with time scheduled Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
  2. Issues in your collective bargaining agreement (CBA) CANNOT be changed by fiat or just because the Governor Elect wants to. The language in your CBA remains in full force and effect, like it or not. No one can reach in and make modifications to that which is currently in place. We are in an extended contract period, with both parties having previously signed the contract extension, so the four corners of this agreement are fully protected. We cannot speak to what the Governor may propose in the next biennial contract, but at this point all protections and benefits remain in place.
  3. As pointed out last week, we need to stand tall and be proud we are public employees. We need to impress upon this Governor Elect that we won’t roll over; and we won’t BE rolled over by him or any other politician.
We all need to be strong in our resolve, firm in protecting our rights, and have full confidence in the CBA and the Union. These are the keys to our success in dealing with this new onslaught.

Download, view, print and by ALL MEANS distribute this letter >>>

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Posted by Marty Beil
Executive Director
AFSCME Council 24

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