Friday, September 16, 2011 Rep. Vos: Statement

Rep. Vos needs to take caution in his comments of labeling negative actions as being performed by "protesters". His message that he is implying is that ALL who speak out against certain lawmakers and the Administration are ALL in the same "protester category". The actions of lawmakers, like Rep. Vos, have attracted the attention of people from many different organizations with many different missions and with many different characteristics. In this latest incident it is reasonable to assume that it is possible that the individual who poured beer over the head of Rep. Vos may very likely be a "constituent" of his. So this will create the question, why would this individual be labelled as a "protester" and not a "constituent"? Maybe Rep. Vos should not quit ignoring the "constituent" and take 15 minutes of his time to listen to the "constituent".

One thing is clear, the individual who poured the beer over the head of Rep. Vos IS NOT from Labor and IS NOT a public employee even though many lawmakers have for months labelled all "protesters" as being from Labor or being a public employee. Protesters have been peaceful and are simply upset with the unfair and mean-spirited actions of lawmakers, like Rep. Vos and the entire Walker Administration.

SEPAC says to Rep. Vos, give this individual who poured beer over your head 15 minutes of your time. He may very likely be a constituent of yours who should not be ignored because you may not like to hear what he has to say. Rep. Vos: Statement

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