Thursday, November 18, 2010

40 Year Legislative Veteran Is Concerned for Wisconsin

Defeated, 40 year State Representative Marlin Schneider (D-72) distributed today his written opinion of what the future of Wisconsin may face with NEW unbalanced power in Madison that will take absolute control at 12:00Noon on January 3rd, 2011.

Rep. Marlin Schneider says in part; "We will now have a Republican governor, Attorney General, State Treasurer and Republican control of both houses of the Legislature The Supreme Court is technically nonpartisan, but Republicans hold a clear majority of it as well," Schneider, D-Wisconsin Rapids, writes.

"And the concentration of power is not merely within one party, but within familial hands as well. Not only is the new lieutenant governor married to a member of Assembly, but the new Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the Assembly—the top leadership positions in each house, wielding tremendous power—are brothers Scott and Jeff Fitzgerald. One family now has control over committee assignments, campaign budgets, and budget conference committees."

The entire written opinion of Rep. Marlin Schneider is published at and can be viewed by "clicking here".

1 comment:

  1. Even though I knew all this, seeing it in black and white is scary....I can hear the banjos in the background....can you say inbred! Next thing you know it will be "Hi, I'm Darrel, and this is my brother Darrel and by other brother Darrel"


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