Thursday, March 10, 2011

From President McEntee and Sec./Treasurer Saunders: RECALL

Dear AFSCME Sisters and Brothers,

What happened last night in Wisconsin is truly a travesty. Instead of pulling his state together to confront its challenges, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker chose to tear it apart.

After losing in the court of public opinion, after ignoring the hundreds of thousands of citizens who have been protesting this bill since it was introduced last month, and after failing to break the Democratic senators’ principled stand to block this measure, Wisconsin Senate Republicans used legislative tricks to ram through Governor Walker's bill — wiping out collective bargaining rights for nurses, teachers, EMTs and other trusted public employees. It was an affront to everyone who believes in basic American values like fairness, democracy and rights for working people.

We expect the Assembly to pass the bill and for Governor Walker to sign the bill very soon. It will be a setback. But the people of Wisconsin, with our help — with your help — will fight on.

Our sisters and brothers in Wisconsin have already started a massive, grassroots campaign to recall Republican lawmakers who gamed the system last night — and left the people and our democracy out in the cold.

You can help:

Contribute to AFSCME Wisconsin Council 11's emergency fund. Your donation will help them take their state back and help us take our country back. Support the recall and your Wisconsin AFSCME sisters and brothers by clicking here now to make a donation.

Please also stay connected with us for the latest news and information on what's happening in Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida and elsewhere across the country. Sign up for AFSCME mobile alerts by texting "join" to 237263 ("AFSCME") or join our Facebook community at

In solidarity,



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