Friday, March 11, 2011

Message from the Milwaukee Area Labor Council

Some of you will be going to Madison on Saturday, I wanted to alert you that Bill Lucy, President of the National CBTU will be in Madison on Saturday as well as Lew Moy, President of the St. Louis Chapter of the CBTU. There will be a chapter meeting in Milwaukee on Saturday at 10:00 am at the Milwaukee Labor Council office and we will be going to Madison to Madison afterward. The MTEA has opened its buses to all so if you want to go and don’t want to drive all you have to do is sign up at and they will make sure you are able to ride the bus. So please get to Madison if you can be a part of what I can only describe as our history that we are making. If you can’t come please pass this note on to others so that they might get the information.

This movement is now of historic proportion. Those of us who represent members of organized labor could not be more proud of what we see. I know we are all engaged and I wanted to say thank you. I also want to alert you that we will have a huge action in Milwaukee on April 4th. That will be a National Day of Action and we will need all your support, it is a MONDAY, the day before Election Day and the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination, hold the date, we will need all hands on deck.

Sheila D. Cochran
Secretary/Treasurer - COO

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