Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scott Walker's Campaign Interferes with Negotiations

Scott Walker's Campaign believes that they have won the election so much that they have officially reached out to our Union, the Wisconsin State Employees Union, the largest union representing state employees and has stated that our members should not settle with the current administration, but rather wait and settle with the "Walker Administration".

Read for yourself...

From: Marty Beil
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 7:33 PM
To: AFSCME Leadership and Members

This report from Steve Kuehn is completely accurate. A representative of Scott Walker contacted me personally and conveyed the message that we should stop bargaining if we anticipated a working relationship with him as Governor. I advised him in the most unequivocal response that we would do what’s best for our members and would pursue bargaining. Please distribute this to your members so that they can be informed. REMEMBER VOTE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2ND AS IF YOUR JOB DEPENDED ON IT.
From: Stephan Kuehn []
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 7:59 PM

It was reported to us today at the C24 Executive Board Meeting that some of the teams still have non economic issues to complete prior to beginning the talks regarding economics. The monies rumored in the Compensation Reserve would be the equivalent of less than one quarter of one percent for all state employees. On another note. The Scott Walker campaign contacted C24 last Friday and stated that if we want a working relationship with the next Governor we should immediately walk away from the current bargaining table and wait until after Mr. Walker is elected to negotiate the current contract. They were told no deal. If this isn't proof to all state employees that Mr. Walker is already attempting to cut into our current wages and benefits package nothing else will change your mind. The campaign has inferred that he has already won the Governors seat. Please send this to all of your members/contacts and tell them to send it on to all of their contacts. We need everyone to get out and vote. Period. There isn't much time left so please get this out to everyone. I don't have everyones email addresses on my home computer, so fwd, fwd, fwd.

Stephan Kuehn
C24 Executive Board Member

Note: This is my interpretation of what was stated at the monthly C24 Executive Board Meeting. I in no way am providing this as an official statement on behalf of Council 24.


SEPAC NOTE: The future of Wisconsin and more specifically, the services that each and every AFSCME member provide to the citizens and visitors of Wisconsin on any given day are at great risk, GET OUT & VOTE on Tuesday, November 2nd! If you have already voted then please find someone who has not voted and get them to the polls, Thank you!


  1. Ummmm....this sucks. What an arrogant #$&*#......thanks for what you told him, Marty, and Stephan, thanks for keeping the membership informed. Kathleen Bronson

  2. Any State worker who voted for Scott Walker should give up their job so that those that actually used their brains when they voted should not be made to suffer.

  3. I personally wouldn't do that other Anonymous - after all he did lead a misleading campaign only focusing on less taxes and more jobs. He never once in his campaign actually say he was going to bust unions and you had to look between the lines to see that.

    I personally didn't vote for him because I know his history - my family down in Milwaukee County had to suffer under him. But I am understanding why people did the knee jerk reaction and did.

    Furthermore, we also can just recall him. Those in the unions who feel betrayed now by losing their rights? Should be be told how.

    Here is some information here on how to do so. If a lot of conservative Republicans you don't feel are doing their jobs and representing their people, you can also recall them too.

  4. ha ha you union hacks are going to see your precious unions torn apart brick by brick ;-)


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