Monday, February 14, 2011

Collective Bargaining Rights Goes Before the Joint Committee on Finance Starting Tuesday, 02/15/2011

The Wisconsin Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance begins its deliberations through a public hearing on Governor Walker’s 2010-11 budget deficit reduction bill (SS-SB11) Tuesday, 02/15/2011 at 10:00am. The public hearing will be in Room 412-East of the State Capitol. The committee will allow ONLY two minutes to each speaker in order to plead their case for or against the bill.

The committee has also noticed an executive session on the bill, beginning at the conclusion of the public hearing. However, if the committee goes late with the public hearing, it will recess until Wednesday morning to take executive action on the bill. The committee is to take action on both the Senate and Assembly versions of the bill.

We anticipate that the bill will go to the Senate for floor action on Thursday, 02/17/2011. We do not expect the Assembly to take up the bill before Friday, 02/18.2011, but proponents of this bill are doing everything in their powers to advance this bill to Governor Walker at a record pace and with very minimal opportunity for public scrutiny.

Below are links to various documents related to the Budget Repair Bill:

Legislative Bill SS-SB11:

Legislative Fiscal Bureau summary of the bill:

Legislative Fiscal Bureau summary of policy items in the bill:

Executive Session Joint Committee on Finance Hearing Notice:

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