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From: "WisPolitics Staff" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 13:41:30 -0600
To: <>
Subject: (WisPolitics) ALERT! Erpenbach: 'We had no choice'
17 February 2011
Exclusively for WisPolitics Platinum Subscribers
From ...
-- Sen. Jon Erpenbach told WisPolitics this afternoon Senate Dems left the state in an attempt to force Republicans to negotiate a compromise to proposed changes to the bargaining rights of public employees.
Erpenbach would not disclose where he was or how many of the Dem senators were with him. But he said he believed all 14 were already out of state by early this afternoon.
"We were left with no choice," Erpenbach said.
Asked how long they were prepared to remain outside Wisconsin, the Middleton Dem demurred.
"The question is when are the Republicans going to sit down seriously with the other side on this issue and try to work something out," Erpenbach said. "When are we going to be reasonable about this and slow things down?"
"We have time."
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"The question is when are the Republicans going to sit down seriously with the other side on this issue and try to work something out," Erpenbach said. when are the democrates going to sit down seriously with the other side on this issue and try to work something out?