Saturday, February 19, 2011

Statement of the Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice

Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice of South Central Wisconsin, Inc.
2300 South Park Street, Suite 109
Madison, WI 53713


February 17, 2011

Interview Opportunity: Rabbi Renee Bauer, Director, 608-320-1144 or

Religious Leaders Condemn Governor Walker's Budget Bill

A moment of contingency is upon Wisconsin workers and citizens. Protests and rallies have accelerated this week in Madison and across the state at remarkable rates in opposition to Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair bill that, for all practical purposes, would eliminate the right of all state, local, and school district employees in Wisconsin to form and maintain unions.

The Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice of South Central Wisconsin (ICWJ) is at the center of this historic movement to protect worker rights and assure that this bill is night signed into law. The mission of the Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice is to build relationships between the faith and labor communities, to educate and mobilize these communities in the struggle for just wages, benefits and working conditions for all workers and to support workers’ rights to organize and engage in collective bargaining.

In response to the profoundly unsettling, and morally problematic, SB11 budget repair bill, ICWJ has collected dozens of signatures from clergy and religious leaders across the state who are raising their voice to oppose this bill. The letter, which was hand delivered to the governor's office this afternoon, reads in part, "Our religious traditions insist that workers, as human beings with inherent dignity, have the right to form associations to improve their conditions at work. Statements issued [by a wide array of faith bodies] support the right of workers to organize and bargain with their employers over wages, benefits, and a voice on the job"

“Governor Walker’s bill is an affront to the human dignity of public sector workers,” said Rabbi Renée Bauer, Director of the Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice “As a religious leader I recognize this as a moral crisis. Now is the time for all of us to live out our faith by raising our voices to protect the rights of workers in Wisconsin and throughout the country.”


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