Sunday, March 13, 2011

Washburn, WI doubles its population for the day with Anti-Walker Rally

According to the 2000 U.S. Census, the city of Washburn, WI had a population of 2,280 people. However, this past Saturday, March 12th, Governor Walker and Sen. Scott Fitzgerald were scheduled to speak at the Republican Lincoln / Reagan Day Dinner at the Steak Pit Restaurant and this brought out the citizens and then some of this small northern Wisconsin community.

Watch two one-minute videos to see what took place:

Video Credits:

1 comment:

  1. I have so many questions about the legislative process that unfolded during the past several weeks in Wisconsin and I hope we'll get answers on these soon.

    - DId the joint committee meeting on March 9 violate open records laws?
    - Was the bill the Assembly voted on March 10 identical to the bill the Senate voted on March 9? I've heard that the earned income tax credit and power plant sale provisions were added March 10. Can a bill or provisions
    not voted on by the Senate become law in Wisconsin?
    - Are legislative sessions valid when the press and public are excluded or
    restricted from attending?
    - Can debate be cut off by one party during a legislative session when the
    other party still has speakers lined up to speak? Can debate be
    disallowed completely?
    - Is a joint committee meeting legal or proper for consideration of a bill
    that only one house has passed?
    - Is it legal to call a vote in a joint committee when representatives
    have only three minutes to consider the multi-page legislation they will
    be voting on? Can a vote be called on legislation that isn't available to
    legislators at all?
    - Is it legal for a Governor who is bound by collective bargaining rules
    to refuse to bargain collectively?
    - Is it legal for a Governor to blackmail public employees with layoffs in
    order to get them to give up collective bargaining rights?
    - Who wrote the budget repair bill? Is it legal to have legislation
    written by corporate representatives?
    - Early in the conflict, the unions claimed that the Governor told elected
    representatives not to talk to their constituents and also that he shut
    down the Legislative Hotline. Is it legal to interfere with
    communications between representatives and their constituents?
    - Why hasn't the Capitol building reverted to the security situation in
    effect on 1/28/11 as the judge has ordered? What kind of liability is
    there for officials who ignore the judge's order?

    I realize that some of these concerns are small potatoes in the larger
    struggle, but I'm not alone in being troubled that so many violations of
    the rights of citizens have gone unpunished . I hope the Democrats will be
    aggressive in getting answers and pursuing legal remedies in little
    violations as well as larger ones. I believe that strict adherence to our
    laws reinforces the dignity of citizenship and reminds us all to be
    careful and ethical in our work.


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