Sunday, May 20, 2012

FW: Reminder: "Vote Your Values" Tour with Lori Compas @ Sun May 20 12pm - 1pm (AFSCME Council 24)

"Vote Your Values" Tour with Lori Compas

Lori Compas, recall challenger to Scott Fitzgerald, is doing a VOTE YOUR VALUES Tour this weekend, May 19th and 20th to focus on what unites us--values like honesty, compassion and fairness.

This event is designed to bring people from across the political spectrum together to move past the divisiveness that have become all to common in politics recently.

We need LOTS of people to be at the events. IF ANY OF YOU COULD PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD and invite people to come that would be great! They are going to be a ton of fun with: live music, jugglers, refreshments, balloons, flags, stickers for kids... and Lori will speak. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help out in this RED area of the state that is trying to turn BLUE in this RECALL ELECTION. We are hoping that big turnouts will help us get more press coverage and help get Lori's name out there more and more. Bring a home made sign expressing your VALUES.

For those of you who LOVE to canvass, we will be running canvasses for Lori and Barrett after each event, so bring your walking shoes and plan to stay awhile.

[RAIN or SHINE - Cookies will be provided]

Sun May 20 12pm – 1pm Central Time
Ralph Park, N. High St., Fort Atkinson, WI (map)
AFSCME Council 24
Steven Williams - organizer

Invitation from Google Calendar

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