Thursday, February 24, 2011

Join Me – Stand Up for Public Service

I just added my name to the petition to Stand Up for Public Service, and I hope you'll join me.

As you already know, Governor Scott Walker introduced a budget proposal that strikes at workers rights to collectively bargain and negotiate working conditions. He's pushing it through the state legislature right now, and public service workers here in Wisconsin need our help. Walker's radical bill would not just gut public services and jobs, it would take away the rights of Wisconsin workers and effectively eliminate public employee unions. He's even called on the Wisconsin National Guard to mobilize to stop any protest, intimidate workers, and break the unions. We can't let him get away with it.

Governor John Kasich of Ohio is also moving quickly to cut public services and eliminate the ability of state and local public employees to collectively bargain. This bill (SB 5) is on the fast track too.

What's happening in state capitals across the country is outrageous, and dangerous. We must stop these governors right now. Please join me and add your name to the petition today:


Steven Williams
PEL Coordinator


  1. Whoa. Can we try to use some rumor control and limit inflammatory language? We're all pretty pumped up without it.

    Walker has not "called on the Wisconsin National Guard to mobilize to stop any protest, intimidate workers, and break the unions."

    He has said that it is prepared to step in if there should be civil unrest. Is that intimidation? Yes. But has he specifically requested that the Guard be the ones doing it? No. He has only asked the Guard to be ready, while letting us know that he has them in his pocket. I've heard nothing about him using the Guard with regard to protests or breaking the unions.

    The Right LOVES when we get our facts wrong and get angry about things and react without thinking it through. It gives them exactly what they want. One of the best tactics we have on our side is the ability to be calm and to know that we are fighting the good fight....and, we're all plenty riled up without any assistance. We're not going to drop the fight, we don't need extra encouragement. We need direction, and leadership, and we can kill this bill together.

  2. Is it true that the "Budget Repair Bill" takes away all state contributions to state employee health insurance and pensions in 2013?

    A friend sent me the following email:

    [Comment From Guest Guest: ]
    Have you had a chance to read the budget repair bill? Well you are not alone - most of the republicans haven't either. Here are some things that most people don't know. Please share with anyone and everyone you know - post on your facebook, blog it, send it to the Leader Telegram, email your senator or assembly person and ask about it - see if they can provide more information or explain it!! This is powerful stuff. *Allows the State to take out an additional 200 million in loans, putting the State farther in debt. (Page 30, Section 63) * Cuts off all State aid to municipalities. (Page 135 �136, Section 9211), (Page 58, Section 148) * Cuts off all State aid to Public K- 12 Schools. �About 900 million dollars total� (Page 135 �136, Section 9211), (Page 58, Section 148) *Cuts off all State aid to University Wisconsin Schools. �This will cause the tuition at UW's to go up 26% over the next two years.� (Page 135 �136, Section 9211) *The state will lose 46 million in Federal Grants to Public Transit. �The federal government requires that public transit workers have collective bargaining.� (Page 63 �109, Sections 163-314) * Allows the State to take 28 million from Employee Trust Fund, �This is the State Employee's Pension Fund, they will use the money to pay the States portion of State Employee's Medical and Pension contributions until 2013� (Page 125, Sect CONTINUED: This is the State Employee's Pension Fund, they will use the money to pay the States portion of State Employee's Medical and Pension contributions until 2013� (Page 125, Section 9115) *In 2013 the State will no longer pay anything towards State Employee's Medical and Pension Fund, State Employee's will be required to pay the entire cost of Medical and Pension. �Roughly about $1500 per month for each State Employee. (Page 58, Section 62, 623) * Limits the right to collectively bargain for all employees who are not public safety employees (general employees) to the su bject of base wages. (Page 63 �109, Sections 163-314) PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW!


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