Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Restricting the Public's Movement at the State Capitol Cannot Be Legal

This is the blog message (in part) provided by the Capitol Police Internal Branch;

Procedures for visitor access to the Capitol will be the same Wednesday, March 2, as they were on Tuesday. Visitors who have appointments with legislators or legislative staff will be permitted access to the Capitol building at the King Street entrance using a queuing system. Appointments will be confirmed by law enforcement officers at the entrance; then visitors will be “badged” with one of eight constituent visitor badges allocated to your Representative or Senators office. Up to eight visitors to a Representative or Senator’s office will be permitted at one time, and to facilitate movement through the building all visitors will be escorted by a law enforcement officer.

This is absolutely unreal. I have served as a lobbyist for the Wisconsin Troopers' Association in the past and currently serve as a lobbyist for the Wisconsin State Employees Union and I have never had my movement restricted at the State Capitol.

Also, as many citizens of this state have done, have visited my elected representatives on numerous times, formally and informally and have always had the freedom to move about the "People's House".

We the people must fight these restrictions through our court system. Several major labor organizations have already begun that process. I certainly hope that at some point these restrictions will be ordered to be removed so that we the people can have free movement within "our house".

I received information today from a Chief of Staff of a State Senator who stated they had not ever seen the amount of police presence strolling the halls of the State Capitol in their years of employment in the capitol, as they saw today. This Chief of Staff went on to say that the State Capitol did not have any restrictions closely resembling what is occurring now after the United States was attacked on 09/11/2001.

The State Capitol needs to be FREELY OPENED once again to the people of Wisconsin.

Posted by Steven Williams
Political Legislative Coordinator

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